

Okay, so I've had 2 plates of food and I'm done. I think I'm going to throw up now. I ate a plate of food earlier today, took a nap and just ate another plate. I don't think I can hold anything else... until tomorrow. HAHA!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I'm glad I got to spend mine with my family.

2 folks had something to say.:

Tam said...

I know I've told you this already but I'm SO glad that you got to spend today with your family.

I ate two plates of food too AND then desert. I'm still full and it's been several hours.

Don't shop too much tomorrow.

Valerie said...

I know how you feel. I ate a plate after I cooked, and then just got finished eating another plate just now at 9pm.haha! I will have it for breakfast in the morning too!

Glad you had a good day with family.