
stop that! aaaaaaaaah!

Madelynn has cut her top teeth and you know what that means? GRITTING! AAAAAAAH!! I can't stand it!

The other day, she climbed up on the couch. WHOA! She's not even 9 months yet. Goodness! I'm waiting for her to take off running. She's getting a little wild.

Uh, I'll finish posting later. Be back...

4 folks had something to say.:

wemmies said...

You need to startle her with a NO whenever she does it or she will grind her teeth down. :)

Valerie said...

Jason started to grit his teeth and when he was here on the weekends,he would do it and I would stop him right away. I would quickly distract him and get him a teether to chew on..Does she bite you yet? That will be next,not meaning to Jason will give me a hug and tear up my shoulder with a death grip bite..ouch! He is already out of that stage too,thank goodness.

Crawled on the couch? lol She is way ahead of the game..

Erika J. said...

kailee never really bit. Maybe Madelynn won't either.

I try to distract her from doing it but sometimes it doesn't work. She doesn't do it consistently. I can't STAND that noise. It kills me.

wemmies said...

All of my kids did it. I said no and put my finger between their teeth and wedged them apart and said no again. They all knew what I was talking about. They stopped after a few times.

All kids go through a biting stage. Usually around 3 or 4... so Kailee hasn't really entered it yet. :D That should be fun. LOL!!

Those new teeth shoulder bites are BRUTAL! AHHHHHH!! I hate that. Sensitive spot.

Erika didn't you grind your teeth in your sleep? I think that is what ground your teeth down. Does she do it in her sleep?

On another note.. Ben FINALLY gets in HIS bed and stays all night! WHEW! Now... I just need to move his bed upstairs. :D