
Da' Doctor

Kailee's rash is caused by something she is allergic to. We have no clue what it is because we haven't used anything different. She has to take prednisone. YUCK! I hope she doesn't go crazy on it. She is wild enough!

4 folks had something to say.:

Valerie said...

Something,but have no clue of what she is allergic to? wow! that is strange,hopefully you can pin point what it could have been.

~Amy said...

Oh, no. I know that'd drive me crazy if I couldn't figure out what was causing Jackson to have a rash. I hope you can figure it out. I'll pray the Lord helps you.

Grace & Co said...

I hate it when people, especially kids, have to go on prednisone. =(

You know what? The older I get the more I'm allergic to things, even if I've used or eaten them all my life. Maybe Kailee is doing that too... =( Not fun!

Vic said...

New clothes that haven't been washed could be the culprit...Any new bug spray, lotion, bubble bath...Also like Gracie said you can develop an allergy to something you have been using all along...So take everything out that she puts on her skin, then clothes must be washed first, a new cover that has wool or some type of harsh threading...Even the new furniture could be it...Good luck on your hunt for the culprit...I just hope she can go off prednisone ASAP.