
Stealing Ideas.

Interview with Kailee...

what time did you get up this morning?

i don't know

what time is it now?

i don't know

did you have dreams last night?

uh huh

what were they?

about monkey-birds

(stories lance has been making up)

what were the monkey-birds doing?

telling a story

what are the monkey-birds names?

jojo & congo

how old are you?


where do you live?

at our house

where's your house at?

right here

where does grami live?

in tennessee

where's GG at?

at bible school

how many puppies do you have?

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

what are their names?

just the puppies.

..to be continued..

3 folks had something to say.:

Vic said...

Too cute!!!

Rachel said...

"just the puppies" That cracked me up. Sooo cute. But the dream monkey birds have names. LOL!

wemmies said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww!! See... I love this!!! Too cute.