
10 things that freak you out...

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1)Storms. I have always been terrified of storms. I'm not quite as bad as I used to be but when I was younger, in the midst of panic, I would pace, call people to pray and start confessing everything that I thought would keep me out of heaven cause I just knew I was going to die. LOL! Even now, if I see a threatening cloud, I'm cutting the weather on. Having a basement at this house has calmed my nerves quite a bit.

2)Being in a wheelchair. My health has progressively gone down hill. I notice things about my joints and such that others don't see and it worries me.

3)Heights. I'm not sure when this started or why, I just know that anything higher than 5 feet freaks my out. I feel my legs getting trembly and weak.

4)Financial disaster. I'm not sure why this scares me so much. I've never gone without. I've always gotten everything I need and alot of what I want.

5)What the world is heading for and how bad it may get before the Lord comes to get us.

6)The Lord coming back before I get to experience true contentment. ie, getting out of Macon, GA and my husband & children experiencing true Christian fellowship.

7)Something bad happening to my dad. I don't know why I've always worried about this. Of course I don't want anything to happen to my mom but I know she's ready to go. Thinking of my dad being ill, in a hospital, suffering, etc. just strikes a nerve with me.

8)Someone intentionally trying to harm my children. Talk about testing my sanctification!

9)Pocket Knives. I hate to see someone messing with a pocket knife. I just know they're going to close their finger up in it. The thought makes me cringe.

10)Guns. I can't stand them. I don't want them anywhere near me. Lance has one in the safe that's not even loaded and anytime he gets it out to get something out of the safe, I go into a mini-panic. I always think there could be a bullet lodged in there that no one knows about and it could go off and hit one of us.

9 folks had something to say.:

Rachel said...

Heights freak me too! I used to not be that way. It started when I was preggo with Sara, then went away, then back when preggo with Emily, and it has stayed. I can barely go down the steps in the parking lot at church!

Lynda said...

Heights make me feel uncomfortable too.
As for storms - sorry - I LOVE them ;0)

Vic said...

Trust in the Lord with ALL THINE HEART and lean not unto thine own understanding, in ALL thy ways acknowledge him and HE SHALL direct thy paths...

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost is our strength, our shield, our deliverer, a present help in times of trouble...

This blog caused me to cry out to Jesus for you today...I will continue to do just that!!!!

Caet said...

Toby says he's scared of hikes.
He doesnt know its heights.

Valerie said...

The way the world has got is a scary thing. Really makes you wonder what is next.

I hope you health gets better.

Vic said...

There is a song that says, People get ready Jesus is coming...Soon we'll be going home...

This world is not my home, I am only passing by, my treasures and my hopes are all up in the sky...Friends and loved ones wait who have gone this way before and I can't feel at home in this world anymore...

Anonymous said...

I had the Rapture on my list too.

I also agree with someone harming my children.

# 9 & 10~~ LOL

Vic said...

I don't like guns either...And if anyone ever had one around me it made me terribly nervous...I don't know if it's a common fear or it's just us...lol!!!!

wemmies said...

AHHHHHHHHHHhahahahaha!!! I have the same knife fear. I can't even close them without freaking out! I am afraid a digit will go flying through the air! YIKES!