
Just to make it clear...

I wasn't trying to say that you should go against how you feel about myspace just so you could see my photos. HAHA! I have personally never had any issues with it and I've had one for a few years. It was just a suggestion from my point of view.

Also, if your mom said NO, then don't press the issue. You are less likely to get one that way. HAHA!

6 folks had something to say.:

Vic said...

The only issue I have had is people on my friends list posting inappropriate bulletins...In order to solve that problem I either removed them or only open those that I trust not to send anything questionable...

wemmies said...

But that is where I can be questionable. LMBO!!

Valerie said...

Yeah, I have all of mine set to private, and so far after over 1 year I have had no problem. I only talk to people on my friends list and that is all I need.

wemmies said...

Y'all don't get half naked friend requests from girls?

Erika J. said...

i don't think i have. i dont add anyone i don't recognize. i dont even look at their page.

Rachel said...

Wendy, you can choose to only get friend requests from people who know your last name or who know your e-mail address. That will take care of those shady "friend" requests.